Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prezi, cont.

To continue the point on Prezi as a design communicate alternative: June 6 Brian Libby with ARCHITECT magazine published an article “Beyond Powerpoint” that discusses various forms of engagement that young architects are using to interact and convey information to clients, the project team, and their peers.

CaptureIn the article John Peterson of Public Architecture notes that his company is also trying out Prezi as well. He notes, “It’s…about presenting in a new way, rather than just improving what we’re already doing.”

I think that point is critical to the adoption of these new technologies for presenting information. Architects have to adapt our presentation style to more contemporary practices in visual communication. The brilliance of Prezi is that one can negotiate between several scales and drawings types, allowing the relationship between these form intuitively with the client instead of trying to convey these relationships directly using conventional architectural annotation.

I for one hope for the day when we can begin to pull away from the 2d plane that Prezi provides and begin to discuss spatial geometry in 3d, while maintaining the interface benefits of Prezi style navigation.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Research Portfolio 2012


Prezi / Linked In

So I have begun using Prezi to give presentations because it works so much better than slideshow software (ie, powerpoint) at presenting architecture. I can zoom out, compare two areas side by side, insert media, etc. The information I reveal from item to item is more seamless, and the ability to compare between various points in the presentation on the fly (for questions, etc.) is amazing.

At the same time while I’ve been wary of jumping on the social networking bandwagon, I finally broke down and signed up for LinkedIn. While I am cautiously optimistic at this point, it seems to provide a bit more use than the fractured direction of facebook.

LinkedIn Profile:  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ryan-collier/51/963/853

In any case, to get the effect of both Prezi and LinkedIn, check out the prezi I stumbled upon which discusses the use of LinkedIn using the Prezi presentation style. While I doubt I will implement all the suggestions, it’s a good presentation of making the most of LinkedIn.

Portfolio/Resume Workshop

portfolio resume workshop

Wednesday, June 27th
6:00-8:00 p.m. @ DCFA

FREE EVENT - register here

Inviting all students, interns and architects who are looking to improve or start their resumes and portfolios to our FREE workshop. Coordinated by the Young Architect's Forum and the Associates Committee, a panel of established and diversely experienced professionals from the local architecture community will be speaking about portfolios and resumes in terms of content, presentation and effective communication. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A session.

Charla Blake, Assoc. AIA, Art Institute of Dallas
Annie Carolla, Corgan (Recruiting Officer)
Bob Meckfessel, FAIA, DSGN Associates
Carole Steadham, Hon. AIA, Placement by Design